Jan 2024

A year of many innovations: large-scale sorting, river waste sorting, plastic credits, a new collection model and more...

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Happy new year to all of you!!! For the SweepSmart team, 2023 was such a busy and successful year that we barely had time to communicate with our community. But, there’s a lot to share. A year in which a lot of our aspirations finally became reality. While the world is facing many challenges there are lights of hope. A Global Plastics Treaty is in the making and our collaborative fight for zero-waste ecosystems that create a win for everyone, seems to be getting into acceleration mode!

Read full Newsletter

And in case you missed it, we made a short documentary of our work in Ambon, Indonesia!

Watch long video (7min)

Watch short video (3min)

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Static and dynamic content editing

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